Monday, August 23, 2021

Learn French Easily

A must buy book for all who wish to learn French

. This book can prove very important for the beginning of learning French. The aurthor of this book is Valerie Demouy and Alan Moys. In this book French is carefully developed by an experienced teacher to provide a step-by-step course to French as it is written and spoken today. Combining a clear, practical and accessible style with a methalical and thorough treatment of the language it equips learners with the essential skills needed to communicate confidently and effectively in French in a broad range of situations.No prior knowledge of language is required. Colloquial French is exceptional,each unit resent a wealth of grammatical point that are reinforced with a wide range of exercises for regular practice. A full answer key,a grammar; summary,billingual glossaries and english translation of dialogues can be found at the back as well as useful vocabulary list throughout.
Key features includ.A clear, users-friendly format designed to help learners progressively build up their speaking,listening,reader and writing skills.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Navneet 21 most likely question sets for std 10 exam of Maharashtra board for Geography

Navneet 21 most likely question sets for std 10 exam of Maharashtra board for Geography subject is now available in the market This book is published according to the reduced syllabus as directed by the board of education in Maharashtra 
This book contains detailed format of the latest question papers along with the study tips for better results
This book Navneet 21 sets contains model question paper set with detailed explanation of the format .it also gives information about the instructions on how to attempt the questions 
This is a must buy book for std 10 students of Maharashtra board 

Navneet 21 most likely question sets for std 10 exam of Maharashtra board History & political science

Navneet 21 most likely question sets for std 10 exam of Maharashtra board of history and political science subject is available in the market now  Navneet has published 21 sets as per reduced syllabus for Maharashtra Board exams of 2021 
The book contains detailed format of the latest activity sheet as precry by the board along with the study tips to score better marks in the final exam the book also contains model activity sheet with complete solution and marketing scheme

This is a must buy book for students of Maharashtra board for 2021 exam 

Book your navneet most likely 21 sets now